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Viterbo Student-Athlete Form


Section 1: Conduct Overview

Viterbo University considers participation in intercollegiate athletics to be a privilege and a responsibility, not a right. Student Athletes must be familiar with and abide by the Viterbo University Code of Student Conduct, the Policy on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs, Residence Life Policies and Procedures and other university policies, whether in season or out of season, on campus or off campus. Any Student Athlete engaged in conduct that is in violation of these policies will be referred to the Vice President for Student Development for campus disciplinary action in addition to any action that might be taken by the Coach and/or Director of Athletics.

Section 2: Misdemeanor Arrest, Charge, Conviction or Plea of No Contest

Any student-athlete who is arrested, charged, convicted or pleads no contest to a misdemeanor charge must report the offense as quickly as possible, but in any event, within 48 hours of his or her release from custody, to the Director of Athletics and the Head Coach. Failure to report the incident within 48 hours to the Head Coach and Director of Athletics will result in automatic suspension from the team and/or revocation of any athletic scholarship.

Any student-athlete who is arrested, charged, convicted or pleads no contest to a misdemeanor charge will then be subject to a review process. The Director of Athletics will review the charges and all of the surrounding circumstances. The Director of Athletics may then impose sanctions. The factors that will be considered include, but are not limited to:
1. Nature of charge (violent or nonviolent)
2. Prior behavior
3. Self-disclosure of the violation
4. Cooperation during the investigation
5. Alcohol and/or drug use
6. Consistency with regard to handling of other cases

The Director of Athletics may then impose sanctions that may include, but are not limited to:
1. Warning
2. Probation
3. Community Service
4. Restricted use of athletic services or facilities
5. Suspension from play and/or practice for a specified period of time
6. Dismissal from the team
7. Revocation of athletic scholarship

This review process will be utilized when the Director of Athletics first learns of the arrest and/or charge. This review process will be utilized again, in its entirety, if there is a conviction and/or plea of no contest resulting from the arrest and/or charge.

Section 3: Felony Arrest and/or Charge

Any student-athlete arrested and charged with a felony, or with a crime involving gambling or game fixing under Wisconsin State law or any other jurisdictional equivalent, shall be suspended automatically from practice and playing privileges until the charges are dropped, dismissed or otherwise resolved.

Section 4: Felony Conviction or Plea of No Contest

Any student-athlete convicted of or pleading no contest to a felony charge or a gambling or game fixing charge under Wisconsin State law or any other jurisdictional equivalent shall be permanently dismissed from the team.


I have read and understand the Viterbo University Code of Student Conduct. I understand that if I am violation of these and/or other university policies, I may be referred for disciplinary action to the Vice President for Student Development. I also understand that I am to report any arrests, charges, convictions, pleads of no contest, and/or violations of university policy or of local, state or federal law to the Head Coach and Director of Athletics as quickly as possible and within 48 hours. I understand that these violations may result in disciplinary action.



Viterbo University is committed to providing a safe and healthy learning environment free of illicit drugs and the unlawful use or abuse of alcohol. The University recognizes that the use or consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs can adversely impact academic achievement, personal development, health and safety. Individuals who violate university policy or local, state, or federal regulations are subject to arrest and/or disciplinary sanctions. These sanctions include but are not limited to: required assessment, treatment, restrictions, or expulsion.


The Viterbo University Athletics Department recognizes that the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs as a significant problem on college campuses, and for many student-athletes. The use and misuse of these substances also affect athletic performance and team morale. Although problems with alcohol and other drugs are not confined to student-athletes, they are of special concern to us because of the high visibility and additional pressures athletes often face as representatives of our institution.


The athletics department supports the Code of Student Conduct and the Policy on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs outlined in the Student Handbook. The following are stipulations from local, state, and federal law, university policy, and the athletics department. By way of illustration, proscribed behaviors include, but are not limited to:

1. Possessing or consuming alcohol if under the age of 21
2. If age 21 or older, the use of any alcoholic beverages within 48 hours of an intercollegiate athletic contest.
3. Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol
4. Misrepresenting one’s age for purchasing, possessing, or consuming alcohol
5. Purchasing, furnishing, or serving alcohol to or for an underage person
6. Public intoxication
7. Violations of additional TEAM RULES regarding alcohol
8. Consumption of alcohol during team travel or team function.
9. The use of tobacco products by student-athletes during practice, competition, or other team functions
10. The use of tobacco, cigarettes, cigars within 48 hours of athletics contest
1. Possessing or using illegal substances, as defined by law
2. Possessing or using controlled substances as defined by law
3. Distributing, selling, or possessing with the intent to distribute illegal or controlled substances, as defined by law

Section 4: SANCTIONS

In addition to sanctions imposed by university officials and law enforcement, student-athletes will be subject to these minimum athletics department sanctions (disciplinary measures) for any violation of university policy including the Policy on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs.

First Offense (minimum):  Suspended 10% of team’s NAIA allowable number of games, contests, or playing dates in which statistics are kept and scores are reported.

Second Offense (minimum):  Suspended an additional 20% of NAIA allowable games, contests, or playing dates in which statistics are kept and scores are reported.

Third Offense (minimum):  Suspended one calendar year from competing in all scrimmages, games, contests, or playing dates for Viterbo University

Fourth Offense (minimum): Permanently suspended from all further athletics participation for Viterbo University including practices and competitions.


1. Student-athletes must self-report violation to coach or athletic director within 48 hours of incident
2. For all violations, the student-athletes must first meet with the head coach to discuss incident and then schedule meeting with the Athletics Director
3. Violations are cumulative during the course of the student-athlete’s career at Viterbo
4. Sanctions may carry forward to the post-season and following year if necessary to serve suspension
5. Department Sanctions are minimums – sanctions may be increased based on the severity of offense
6. Team Sanctions may be more severe than those of the department – but can’t be any less
7. Suspension from athletics contests or dates means no suiting up for competition, coaches may also choose to not have student-athlete travel with the team
8. Calendar Year Suspensions begin from the day after the violation occurred
9. The percentage of suspended games, contests or playing dates apply to contests in which statistics are kept and scores are reported 

10. Scrimmages do not count toward satisfying suspensions. 

11. The percentage of suspended games, contests or playing dates used to determine the suspension will be rounded down to the nearest whole number with a minimum of a 1 game, contest or playing date suspension
12. Contest Suspensions: Basketball, Golf, Cross Country, Baseball, Soccer, Track & Field and Bowling. 
13. Date Suspensions: Volleyball and Softball
14. A Senior unable to serve out a sanction with a remaining season may face other campus sanctions


I understand and agree that I am required to know, understand, and follow the Viterbo University Policy on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs. I also understand this Athletics Department Policy on Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs is available for my review in the Student-Athlete Handbook. If I have further questions regarding this policy, I can ask my coach or the Director of Athletics.


The undersigned agrees to indemnify and to hold Viterbo University harmless for injury and expense, including costs of defense, which result from activities associated with participation in a Viterbo intercollegiate sports team.

The undersigned agrees to the release of his/her education record to the athletics director and the head coach of the sport in which he/she participates. This release may be via computer or in writing. I understand the release of this information complies with the guidelines of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (also known as the Buckley Amendment) and that the information will remain confidential.

I acknowledge that I can access the student-athlete handbook via the Viterbo Athletics web site at I also understand that I can obtain a hardcopy of the handbook free of charge in the Athletics Office. I am also aware that if I have any questions I may contact our Athletics Director. I acknowledge that I am fully aware that participation in athletics at Viterbo is a privilege, not a right. I also understand and agree to abide by these Student-Athlete Policies, Procedures, Rights and Responsibilities. Finally, I understand and agree that failure to meet any of the University or Athletics Departments requirements, and/or violations of any policies may result in disciplinary measures as outlined in the Viterbo University Codes of Conduct and Policies on Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs.


As a student-athlete, I pledge to accept the Champions of Character five core values. I will do my best to represent my team, my teammates and myself while striving to have the Integrity to know and do what is right; Respect my opponent, the officials, my teammates, my coach, myself and the game; take Responsibility by embracing opportunities to contribute; exemplify Sportsmanship by bringing my best to all competition and provide Servant Leadership where I serve the common good while striving to be a personal and team leader.

I have read through and agree that I am required to understand and follow the Viterbo University Student-Athlete policies. I also understand these policies are available for my review in the Student Athlete Handbook. If I have further questions regarding these policies , I can ask my coach or the Director of Athletics.

Any content on this form is subject to change at the discretion of Viterbo University.

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